Parker Eruputs (sic) -- the Board Game
Well, I'd always wanted to make a MSG (Miss Super Girl) game. One day at Arbys, my mom and dad started joking about a game called "Parker Erupts". I thought it sounded great, so I took out some cardboard, a pencil, crayons, and a black marker, then I made some cards, and from a lost game, I took out some guys.
We played it a lot. Then my dad said, "Wanna put this game on the internet?" And I said, "Yes!" So, I guess this was great practice, and hopefully I'll make a MSG game someday.
Below is how you can play Parker EruputsĀ© too.
-- Paulina (4/19/2005)

Parker Eruputs Game Board
Preparing to Play Parker EruputsĀ©
First print page 1 and page 2 of the game board, linked to below. Tape the two sheets together to make the game board.
game board 1 game board 2
The photos we took aren't that clear, until we can make a high resolution scan of the game board, here is a crib sheet of the text on each square
- Start
- Give P.J. chips, go forward 3 spaces.
- Stop!
- Parker eats a Polly Pocket, go back 3 spaces
- Dirty diaper, go ahead 3 spaces
- Take chips away from P.J., go back 5 spaces
- Make poor Parker cry, go one space forward
- Parker Erupts!
- Stop
- Leave P.J. in Kitchen, go back 5 spaces
- Give P.J. M&Ms, go ahead 6 spaces
- Stop
- Feed parker, go ahead 12 spaces
- Stop
- P.J. Pukes, go back 6 spaces
- Nap, go ahead 9 spaces
- Stop
- Yell at poor Parker, go ahead 4 spaces
- Stop
- Dirty Diaper, go ahead 2 spaces
- Spank poor Parker, go 1 space forward
- Parker Erupts!
- Put Parker in fmaily room, go back 1 space
- Stop
- Take P.J. shopping, go back 3 spaces
- put Parker in the car, go back 9 spaces
- Stop
- give P.J. bottle, go backk 10 spaces
- Nurse Parker, go ahead 7 spaces
- Stop
- Give Parker chuchie (pacifier), go ahead 5 spaces
- yay! go ahead 1 space
- Stop
- Ahh! go ahead 4 spaces
- Put Parker to sleep, go ahead 6 spaces
- Stop
- yay! go ahead 2 spaces
- Parker Erupts!
- Stop
- Ahh! go back 2 spaces
- Cuddle P.J., go ahead 2 spaces
- Yay! go ahead 1 space
- Stop
- You won
Open the cards document linked to below and print it. This document has all the playing cards. After printing it, cut each card out individually. For color, I colored the playing side of each card. On the Back of each card I put the Parker Erupts logo.
There are four each of numbers 1 through 3, and "Parker Erupts!" There are three each of 4 through 12.
For the players, you can use any household objects that fit conveniently on the game board. I suggest you use small coins, like a dime, penny, or nickle. So long as you can tell them apart. We used the game pieces from Clue&trade Jr.
Game Cards |
Players |
How to Play
The game is easy to play, just follow these simple rules.
- The game is designed for 1 to 4 players, but if you can keep track what square each player is on, then you can have as many player as you want
- Start with the youngest player first, then go clockwise around the board for each player.
- When it is a players turn, that player draws a card.
- If the *card* has "Parker Erupts!", and you are not on a "Parker Erupts!" square, it counts as a zero. Do not move foward.
- If the card has a number, move that player forward that many spaces and read the square. Only do what the first square you land on says. For instance, if you land on a square that says to move forward 3, move forward 3, but don't do what the new square says.
- If the square you land on says "Stop!", you lose your next turn.
- If the square you land on says "Parker Erupts!", you may not move forward until you draw a card that says "Parker Erupts!".
- The winner is the first person to reach the end of the game.
- It's that simple
- For an extra challenge, you can make the move to the last space require an exact number.